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Find all the details for upcoming shows I will be attending where you can buy pieces, watch me carve live, or compete in competitions. Also, see below photographs from recent shows and competitions I have been to.  



1st-2nd March 2025


WATCH THIS SPACE! Further 2025 shows will be announced soon!


There are fewer shows and events over the winter, so my diary is open for commissions. Contact me for more information.


Sandringham Christmas Craft, Gift & Food Fair 
15th-17th November 2024 

This show marks the end of the carving season; you will not see me carving live again until the new year! Each day I partook in two 30-minute speed carves as well as creating one large piece over the three days so the weekend passed extremely quicky. It is always a pleasure to carve alongside my friends for a live audience.

Bedford Steam & Country Fayre
13th-15th September 2024 

Before I began carving at Steam Engine Rallies I visited with my father and two daughters. Bedford Steam & Country Fayre used to mark the end of the rally season so it has always been a favourite show of ours. This year I had the pleasure of carving there and I created this otter bench.

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Haddenham Steam Rally 
7th-8th September 2024 

I have been visiting Haddenham Steam Rally for so many years and I have had the pleasure of carving at the show for the last few I always enjoy this weekend as I get to see some old friends and it is right on my doorstep.

Carve Carrbridge
Scottish Open Chainsaw Carving Competition
31st August 2024 

Located in the Scottish Highlands this show is a long way from my home in Cambridgeshire but it is well worth the journey. This competition consists of a four-hour, chainsaw-only carve. All competitors carve together in the arena, making a great show for the visitors. We entered the arena to the sound of bagpipes, starting the competition on a high. 

Lisa Langley 2024

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